Benefits of Outdoor Play in the North Shore


Outdoor play is one of the most important parts of a youngster’s education. It encourages imagination, fosters a connection to nature and lets children express themselves through running, jumping and sometimes even yelling – things that are often discouraged indoors.

The School Staring Age Debate Rages On


You may have recently heard the news that children in New Zealand will no longer be able to start school prior to turning five years old. The issue has become very political, with some people celebrating the new rule, others angry, and others still arguing that we should be keeping kids in childcare longer and waiting until they are six or even seven to start school.

Coopers Dad Ritchie represents NZ at the Olympics!


Learning Tree Childcare centre is so proud to be able to congratulate one of our father’s, Ritchie Patterson, for being selected to represent New Zealand at the Rio 2016, Olympic Games. Ritchie also attended the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 and in London 2012 where he became a silver medallist.

New Locations Coming!


Learning Tree is growing!!! After opening our first centre in Albany in 2012, we are now constructing 2 brand new purpose built centres Apollo Drive and Westgate. These new centres will be state of the art, modern childcare centres. Westgate opens early October, and Apollo Drive opens late October.

High Teacher-to-Child Ratio Gives Learning Tree Point of Difference


Having the right balance of teachers to children is important in early childcare and it's important to the Learning Tree. While there are many factors that can impact on a childcare centre's performance, higher teacher-to-child ratios, or a smaller number of children per staff, is found to have key benefits for children.

Premium Childcare


At Learning Tree, we believe in offering the highest quality childcare. We are privately owned, and hands on. We employ only the best staff, and we spend alot of money on maintaining our centres to the very highest standard. We measure our standards by the teachers, and the environment. After all, we want to provide the absolute best in premium care for your children without charging the highest most expensive fee's.

Tips for Overcoming Kids Food Pickiness & Sensitivity


Eating. It's like breathing - something we do constantly without thinking about it. So new parents are often surprised to know that eating well actually requires many different skills that kids have to learn.

Helping Children Channel Their Aggression


Many children will have moments of aggression, however some kids have violent aggressive behaviour that is extremely challenging. What are the indicators you need to look out for and how can you understand and manage your child's aggression issues?

The Amazing Ways a Child's Brain Develops


It has been said that while genes provide a blueprint for the brain, it's a child’s environment and experiences that carry out the construction. Today, research by child development specialists is giving us a clearer understanding of early brain development.

Childcare Groups Urging Government to Consider Sector Value


Childcare groups in New Zealand say quality early childhood education has a big impact on a wide range of social harms and they are pressing the government to invest more.

Increasing Childcare Availability


Some Auckland kindergartens have been struggling to fill spaces as parents find their limited hours too difficult to work with. Recognising they need to meet the needs of families, kindergartens are proposing to open for longer hours and ti stay open over school holidays.

Early Childhood Education Sector is Booming

New Zealand has a high and growing participation rate in early childhood education making the sector a very popular investment choice.

6 Summer Activities to do with Kids


Summer is a wonderful time – blue skies, sunshine, tempting seas, even more tempting ice creams… there’s not much better than that!

Common Childcare Questions Answered


What if I use reusable nappies? Still breastfeed my baby? Want to take the kids to Fiji for a week? There are many uncertainties that give parents pause before sending their precious children off to preschool, which is why Learning Tree Childcare centre has put together some of the most common questions we hear along with our honest answers.

Pushing for Greater Sustainability at Learning Tree Albany


With NZ’s single use plastic ban having started on 1st July, the team at Learning Tree Childcare in Albany has been thinking about ways to introducing sustainability to our daycare students. If you’re keen to do the same at home, here’s six tips to get you started.
Benefits of Outdoor Play in the North Shore  

12th Feb, 2018  

The School Staring Age Debate Rages On  

8th Dec, 2017  

Enrol with us today!

Learning Tree Albany is one of North Auckland’s most sought after childcare centres for its quality of care and beautiful learning facilities. We believe children learn best in a positive environment where they are encouraged to play and explore while being taught our day care’s key values of honesty and respect, integrity and trust.

The first five years of life are incredibly important to a child’s brain development, relationship building and self-confidence. At our daycare, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing space filled with stimulating activities and passionate teachers. We see the educational opportunities in every day moments, from exploring nature to learning to share with other children at child care.

Our Albany and North Shore childcare centres have a wonderful reputation for excellent education and high teacher to child ratios. We offer competitive fees and extended hours to make life easier for parents, caregivers and whanau in the North Shore. Pop into our daycare centre for a free visit to meet our fabulous teachers and see what a day in the life of a daycare student is like.