Common Childcare Questions Answered


What if I use reusable nappies? Still breastfeed my baby? Want to take the kids to Fiji for a week? There are many uncertainties that give parents pause before sending their precious children off to preschool, which is why Learning Tree Childcare centre has put together some of the most common questions we hear along with our honest answers.

I still breastfeed – how will this work at daycare?

It is very common to have babies in childcare that are still being breastfed and that is wonderful – we will work with you and support you. There are plenty of ways to continue breastfeeding your babe and still send them to childcare, from sending expressed milk to choosing hours that work around feeding. If you live or work nearby one of our five childcare centres in Auckland, you can even pop in for feeds.

Can we keep using reusable nappies?

Absolutely! We totally support saving the planet one nappy at a time and are happy to use your reusables at preschool – just send your wee one to childcare each day with a wet bag and enough nappies to get them through the day and we’ll gladly jump on the cloth nappy bandwagon.

What if my kid struggle with naps?

You’d be surprised at how adaptable kids are when they start daycare. We encourage a transitional week or two wherein you ease you youngster into a new childcare routine gently, but our early childcare teachers are very experienced at getting kids to nap. The length and times may vary from their home routine, but it’s a rare child that takes more than a few days to adjust.

Will we still have a spot if we take our kids on holiday?

Childcare centres understand that families go on holiday, which is why most daycares will give you a couple weeks off preschool without having to pay. Beyond that, you’re welcome to take an extended holiday but if you’d like to keep your spot at preschool, you’ll likely have to pay for it – sort of like annual leave.

I have an unpredictable schedule – can my child be a flexible pre-schooler?

Some parents work from home or have flexible schedules and only need to use childcare on occasion, leading them to enquire about irregular attendance. Kids need time to settle into a childcare setting; coming at random isn’t cohesive to this as every time they come will feel like their first day. It’s best to either arrange childcare with a friend or family member or send them regularly for at least a couple half days each week.

What happens if my kid is sick?

If your kid is unwell – a cold, flu bug or upset stomach – it is best for everyone to keep them at home. It is hard to take off a day of work or arrange last minute childcare, but your little one will have a crummy day and might end up getting other kids (and staff) sick too. When in doubt, consider what you’d hope another parent would do!

We hope we’ve answered some of your queries around starting preschool. If you have any further questions, give us a call at Learning Tree Childcare or pop into one of our five Auckland-based centres.

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