Our qualified Albany childcare teachers really do care


Meet some of the childcare teachers at our Albany childcare centre who want your child to be happy, cared for and to grow socially, mentally, and physically.

About Lynne Rice

Centre Director - Learning Tree

Lynne is a seasoned educational professional with 27 years in Primary Education through to Deputy Principal level and entered ECE in 2008.  Lynne is the Centre Director for all Learning Tree Centres.

Lynne set up and managed Lollipops state of the art Highbrook Centre with 150 children, and also established their centre at Half Moon Bay with 100 children before coming to Albany to start the first Learning Tree Childcare centre at the beginning of 2012.  

"My profession has always been in Education. I am very passionate about learning and providing children with experiences that will teach them skills in order to become competent, life long learners.  I truly believe that children need to be respected and cared for with the same degree of respect that ideally we would give to adults. Hence, I have a passion for the RIE, Reggio and Pikler philosophy and feel that providing quality care and nurture for young children is extremely important. As an educator, I am committed to empowering and supporting children and their families in the transition to school process. I believe children need to experience new challenges, co-operative ventures and have the opportunity to be part of longer term projects.

I now have the fantastic role of leading an amazing team across our 5 Learning Tree sites".

About Rita

Hello my name is Rita Chang and I am the Centre Manager at Learning Tree Albany. I am fully registered and fully qualified with a diverse range of teaching experience in all 0-5 year ages and leadership roles.

I have being in the Early Childhood profession for over 15 years and I still love it. While my roles may have changed over my teaching career, my passion for providing excellence in quality teaching and practice has always remained constant. It excites me to work with teachers who are committed to working with children and committed to making a positive impact in children’s first years of their life.  My core values are based on respect for oneself as a professional teacher, respect for children, families and each other as a learning community and respect for our environment. I am inspired by Reggio and Montessori but am eclectic in knowledge building and developing. I firmly believe children deserve to be respected and validated for who they are and I work with our team of Albany childcare teachers to ensure we are delivering on this. In my down time I enjoy spending time with family and friends, travelling, fishing, playing tennis and reading.

About Levon

Kia ora I’m Levon. I am the Team Leader of our Under Two Little Bunnies and Walkers room. I’m orginially from South Africa. I moved to New Zealand in 2003 and fell in love living in this diverse multi-cultural country.

I have been working at the Learning Tree Albany Childcare Centre since 2011 and I graduated with a Diploma in ECE.  Early childhood education has always been a part of my life.  I took great interest in caring for my sister when she was born 8 years younger, and that led me to my path of becoming an Early Childhood Teacher. I enjoy swimming, watching movies and I appreciate a good book.  I also love spending time with family and friends. I strive to provide the children with a learning environment based on the aspirations that children grow up as competent, confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging, secure in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.


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Learning Tree Albany is one of North Auckland’s most sought after childcare centres for its quality of care and beautiful learning facilities. We believe children learn best in a positive environment where they are encouraged to play and explore while being taught our day care’s key values of honesty and respect, integrity and trust.

The first five years of life are incredibly important to a child’s brain development, relationship building and self-confidence. At our daycare, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing space filled with stimulating activities and passionate teachers. We see the educational opportunities in every day moments, from exploring nature to learning to share with other children at child care.

Our Albany and North Shore childcare centres have a wonderful reputation for excellent education and high teacher to child ratios. We offer competitive fees and extended hours to make life easier for parents, caregivers and whanau in the North Shore. Pop into our daycare centre for a free visit to meet our fabulous teachers and see what a day in the life of a daycare student is like.