Screen Time and Your Child: How Much is Too Much?


These days, screens are hard to avoid. We rely on them for work, entertainment and social interaction. And it’s not all bad – sharing photos of our little ones online has never been easier, which is a blessing for those far away from loved ones. But our children’s generation is the first to grow up using computers, iPads and smart phones, and there is concern over what it is doing to their growing brains.

Children and Dogs: A Mutually Beneficial Relationship


There isn’t much cuter than walking into a room to find your tuckered-out child snuggling with your fluffy four-legged friend. These scenes make for heart-melting moments and frame-worthy photos, but did you know children and dogs are also actually good for one another?

The Countdown is On - Ways to Enjoy the Christmas Season


Once we reach November, the days seem to melt away and suddenly, in a blink, Christmas Day has arrived. The festive season can be frenzied for parents who are busy trying to juggle the kids, work deadlines and family commitments, but for our wee ones, this time of year is magical.If you’re struggling to balance your stress with your child’s excitement, you’re not alone.

Outdoors for Expansive Minds - Nurturing nature at Learning Tree


With summer on the horizon, Learning Tree Childcare in Auckland is excited about donning hats and sunblock and embracing the Great Outdoors. Encouraging our children to get up-close-and-personal with Mother Nature and bring the outdoors in is essential for children’s development of responsible environmental behaviour and appreciation.

Five Tips to Make the Childcare Transition Easier on Mums and Dads


Childcare is a wonderful place for your child to grow, learn and develop in a safe environment. While young children often slide easily into a childcare routine, the transition from home life to daycare can be very challenging for new parents.

The Power of Play


Again and again, the latest word from early childhood educators and researchers is that play is paramount. It isn’t just for fun or to keep our kiddies busy so we can get things done around the house – play is actually building children’s brains, setting up lifelong lessons in learning and is the building block upon which formal education will develop.
Screen Time and Your Child: How Much is Too Much?  

15th Oct, 2017  

Children and Dogs: A Mutually Beneficial Relationship  

15th Oct, 2017  

Enrol with us today!


Learning Tree Silverdale is an excellent childcare centre inspiring a lifelong love of learning. We adopt a holistic approach to early childhood education, merging nurturing care with quality education. We offer a beautiful day care space where kids are busy making new friends and new discoveries each and every day.

The passionate teachers at our daycare centre build on children’s natural curiosity to guide them through new learning experiences. Our babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers are all encouraged to explore nature and pursue creativity, helping them to develop a strong sense of self.

Learning Tree has an excellent reputation for our high-quality curriculum, amazing teachers and competitive fees. Our parents, caregivers and whanau also appreciate the extended opening hours our centre offers. Pop into our child care centre in Silverdale and see what makes Learning Tree child care so special.