The Best Environments for Young Children to Learn and Develop


Early childhood environments need to be many things. They need to be safe places where children are protected, supported and given opportunities for development. Environments for young children should stimulate their learning and encourage their physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. 

At the Learning Tree, our child care centres offer the best learning environment in Auckland for your child. Here are some of the elements we think help make the best environment for a young child learn and grow. 

Experiences and Exploration 

Children need to explore and experiment, learning basic knowledge about the natural world around them first hand. The best learning environments for young children will be designed with many appropriate and interesting opportunities for physically exploring real materials. 

Change and Variety 

Children appreciate change and variety. Everything new inspires a new learning opportunity from changes in scenery, textures and colours to activities, sounds and smells. Interesting visual displays and panels provide stimulating content to examine as children move about in the classroom space. A variety of music and instruments can stimulate young children's brains while developing musical appreciation. 

Lots of Opportunities for Play and Physical Activity 

Play and physical movement provides a way for children to integrate all their new experiences into their rapidly developing minds, bodies, emotions, and social skills. Research supports this idea, finding that children learn best through an integrated approach combining physical, emotional, cognitive, and social growth. 

Positive and Caring 

A caring environment that provides a positive place for young children will impact not only on emotional security but also many aspects of cognitive development. Children who feel secure and supported will try new things, express their ideas, and develop constructive behaviours such as cooperation and persistence. Positive early experiences can have an influence on a child's development that will last a lifetime.

How Music Assists a Child’s Development  

26th Oct, 2016  

Preparing Your Child for School Life  

13th Feb, 2017  

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